Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

7-01 Science

1) Copied "Radiation" (page 28)
2) Handed out and went over "The 3 Types of Heat Transfer" (page 24)
3) Handed out and assigned "Conduction" (page 25)
4) Did note "Convection" (page 26) with students
5) Handed out and assigned "Convection Worksheet" (page 27)

"Conduction" (page 25) and "Convection Worksheet" (page 27) are due next class

7-02 Science

1) Copied "Radiation" (page 28)
2) Handed out and went over "The 3 Types of Heat Transfer" (page 24)
3) Handed out and assigned "Conduction" (page 25)
4) Did note "Convection" (page 26) with students
5) Handed out and assigned "Convection Worksheet" (page 27)

"Conduction" (page 25) and "Convection Worksheet" (page 27) are due next class

7-03 Science

1) Copied "Radiation" (page 28)
2) Handed out and went over "The 3 Types of Heat Transfer" (page 24)
3) Handed out and assigned "Conduction" (page 25)
4) Did note "Convection" (page 26) with students
5) Handed out and assigned "Convection Worksheet" (page 27)

"Conduction" (page 25) and "Convection Worksheet" (page 27) are due next class

8-02 Science

1) Took up "More Lever Questions" (page 33)
2) Handed out "Pulleys" (page 34) and went over
3) Watched video on Pulleys
4) Handed out "Pulley Power" (page 35) and did with class

No Homework

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